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Get your touch of green ready for World Habitat Day

Posted on 10 September 2016

St Columba's will be celebrating World Habitat Day on Friday 7 October.

To recognise the occasion, we are asking you to dress with a touch of green, anything from green socks to a green t-shirt or even green hair - in return for a gold coin donation.

World Habitat Day reminds us that we all have the power and the responsibility to shape the environmental future of our community.

Our Eco-Warriors and our Green Team are currently hard at work addressing our school's biodiversity - protecting and improving the school grounds and surrounds, the local ecosystem, and plant and animal habitats. So this is a very timely celebration!

The gold coin donations will be put towards repairing our beloved Clo-ey the composter. Clo-ey was purchased as part of our efforts to reduce the amount of student food waste going to landfill, and can convert up to 4kg of the school's waste per day to nutrient rich compost in under 24 hours. Unfortunately she fell ill after mistakenly being fed some plastic, so she is looking forward to going off to compost hospital to be repaired with your help.

See you on Friday 7 October with your touch of green and gold coin.

Tags:Green Team

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"St Columba's is known as the little school with the big heart and you notice that when you first arrive. Every teacher and every student knows your child by name. They offer bespoke learning experiences for children to enjoy while at school." 

Parent of Year 4 Student