Student Wellbeing

In 2023 we launched 'The Resilience Project' at St Columba's. The Resilience Project’s Partnership Program supports the wellbeing of the whole school community and builds positive school culture.
Our wellbeing practices are also informed by the Berry St. Model, the Be You initiative, the Bounce Back resources, the development of the IB learner profile, the E-Smart principles, and the work around VIA character strengths.
In 2023 we launched 'The Resilience Project' at St Columba's. The Resilience Project’s Partnership Program supports the wellbeing of the whole school community and builds positive school culture.
Our wellbeing practices are also informed by the Berry St. Model, the Be You initiative, the Bounce Back resources, the development of the IB learner profile, the E-Smart principles, and the work around VIA character strengths.