School Fees & Levies 2025

Depending on the number of children attending, our fee* varies:
For 1 child the fee is $3275
For 2 children the fee is $4155
For 3 children the fee is $4860
Curriculum Levy (per child) $770
This covers resources, excursions and technology.
Parish Levy (voluntary) $200
Building Fund (tax deductible, voluntary donation)
Additional cost
School camp Y3 $150
School camp Y4 / 5 / 6 $550
Sports Levy Y3 $120
Sports Levy Y4 / 5 / 6 $170
Sacraments Y3 $15 / Y4 $25 / Y6 $30
All families are asked to pay the curriculum levy, which covers resources, excursions and technology. In situations where paying the school fee causes difficulties for families, assistance and/or fee relief, is available by contacting the principal. Concessional school fees are available, please contact our school for more details.
*fee stated above is per year, not per term