
We actively work towards empowering our young people and community to respond to Pope Francis’ call to care for our common home. In a world that faces climate change, St Columba’s embeds sustainability and the Catholic Social Teaching of Care for our Common Home in all that we do. We believe there is hope. Pope Francis calls us to develop a “loving awareness” of this home we share and to act on the values we hold dear. (LS 220). Through pledging our commitment to take action and by developing a Laudato Si’ action plan, we believe the staff, students and community will and can make a difference in our world.

5 Star ResourceSmart School

St Columba's is a 5 Star ResourceSmart School and is committed to ensuring our school community leads the way in sustainable practices and actions. As such, sustainability is firmly embedded across the school and within the curriculum. Our whole school approach to sustainability encourages and assists students P-6 to develop an understanding of the environment, our relationship with it and our responsibility for its future.

Eco Warrior Program

Even though there is an emphasis on developing students' awareness of sustainability and sustainable practices at every year level our dedicated year 3/4 Eco Warrior Program is designed to further develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes and commitment to being environmentally responsible. Students and teachers work closely with the Port Phillip Eco Centre, actively participating and assisting in many local initiatives aimed at keeping our bay clean, revegetating the foreshore and attracting indigenous wildlife to the area. Students are encouraged to develop an environmental consciousness and awareness of their relationship with the environment, through direct contact with the local environment and to practice environmental decision-making.

Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden

A new addition to the school is the establishment of our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen garden program. All students P-6 have throughout the year have the opportunity to learn:

  • about their natural environment and how to care for gardens
  • practical skills: recycling, composting, planting, harvesting
  • life skills: cooperating, sharing, critical thinking and leadership

Nature Play Area

Currently the school is developing in consultation with our students a new nature play area. We are very excited for this addition as we believe it will complement and enrich our sustainability programs whilst also supporting children socially, emotionally and academically. The premise behind nature play is learning through nature encourages creativity, problem solving, symbolic play and assists with gross motor skills and hand eye coordination. The new nature play spaces will provide further opportunities for children to explore new ideas and to develop their interests and understanding of the world.  We would like to thank and acknowledge the assistance of the Australian Government for providing funding through the Local Schools Community Fund to assist with the completion of this project.

Awards & Grants:

  • 2016 Port Phillip Green School of the Year Award
  • 2017 Port Phillip Water Warriors Award
  • 2018 Port Phillip Bay Keeper Award
  • 2018 5-Star ResourceSmart School Award
  • 2019 Port Phillip Bay Keeper Award
  • 2019 Nominated for ResourceSmart School of the Year (Final 3)
  • 2020 ResourceSmart Teacher of the Year Stephanie Young
  • 2020 ResourceSmart Volunteers of the Year The Green Team
  • 2021 VSGP Best School Garden Exhibiting Biodiversity
  • 2021 Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant 
  • 2024 The Educator 5* Innovator Award

What our parents & students say

"A very welcoming and whole-of-child focused sch...

Parent of prep student