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Nature Play Space Planting

Posted on 26 March 2021
Nature Play Space Planting

On Wednesday 24th March, the Year 5/6's battled rain, hail and shine to help plant out our Nature Play Space. We planted approximately 130 plants, including some amazing species of plants. We will use our nature play space beginning next term to learn about native plants and the importance of having these in our school for our local wildlife. The 3/4's will soon be writing up information on all the different types of plants we planted and why they have been important to plant in our school!

A huge thank-you to Meg and Susan from the Green Team for all your hard work and dedication in organising amazing plants and for spending the day planting with us. We sure learnt a lot about how to correctly plant in order for our plants to survive at school. Thank you also to Catholic Education Melbourne and the NGIV Victorian School Gardens Program for their valued support.

Tags:Green Team

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