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News from the Eco Warriors

Posted on 23 October 2016

Lots of green activities and events have been happening around the school. Here's an update from the Eco Warriors:

World Habitat Day
On Friday 7th October we all wore a touch of green in support of World Habitat Day. Thank you everyone for your donations, together we raised $160. This money will go towards repairing Cloey, our composting machine.

Walk to School Month
Thank you everyone for making an effort in walking, riding or scooting to and from school each day. Don't forget to continue to mark down on your class tally if you have travelled to school sustainably. On Friday 4th November there will be a special Walk to School Day to celebrate this initiative.

Pick Up and Play On
This Term the Eco Warriors have tried to stop rubbish being left in our playground by starting a Pick up and Play On initiative. As a school, we are asking everyone to make an effort in picking up rubbish on the playground and placing their waste in the correct bins. If the school grounds are rubbish free for the whole week, we will be rewarded some extra play the following week! We are still working towards achieving the extra play, let's keep it up!

And a note from Love Our Street 3184:
Dear St Columba's PS A special thank you to Heidi Taylor, her brother Finn and mother Meg for making Love Our Street's first birthday a successful clean-up in Elwood Village. It's wonderful to see children putting the things they learn from family and school into practical action to improve our environment.

Tags:Green Team

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"St Columba's is known as the little school with the big heart and you notice that when you first arrive. Every teacher and every student knows your child by name. They offer bespoke learning experiences for children to enjoy while at school." 

Parent of Year 4 Student