Touring our beautiful school
28 April 2016
By Alessia and Maya On Thursday 23rd April 2016 a judge from Keep Australia Beautiful came to our school. We took him on a tour around our building and playground and showed him different susta...
The judge is coming!
18 April 2016
St Columba's Primary School in Elwood will be under the beauty spotlight on Thursday 21 April as Keep Victoria Beautifulâs (KVB) judge pays a visit to review the schools impressive sustai...
St Columba's New Star
21 March 2016
"You may have noticed the new addition to our school gate - a shiny star! No we are not getting in early with our Christmas decorating - St Columba's received it from ResourceSmart Schoo...
Loving our streets!
7 March 2016
By Nicole and Kaitlyn

On Saturday 20th February some families from St Columba's participated in Love Our Street 3184. Love Our Street is an initiative to help keep our streets clean and ti...
Our 3/4 Eco-Warriors get to work
18 February 2016
By Francis - 3/4

This year the 3/4 students will be our school's EcoWarriors.

What does this mean? It means we will be leaders in looking after the environment, teaching others how to car...
St Columba's plants over 1,000 plants for the planet!
12 February 2016
On Friday our Years 3-6 students ventured out into the stunning sunshine and down to Elwood foreshore to take part in Schools National Tree Day. The students were guided by April and Karen from...

What our parents & students say

"If you're in search of a school where your child...

Parent of Y1 and Y5 students